Monday, 8 July 2013

Small steps, but in which direction? (Part 2)

A few months ago, I wrote ‘Part 1:  Small steps, but in which direction?’, about the small steps I took to reach my life goal, a PhD.

Taking a number of small steps might be a recipe for achieving something major, but how do you know what direction you should take these small steps in? In this post I’ll try to explore a few ways to figure out directions in life.

One way to achieve greatness is to emulate someone who has already achieved it. Follow you hero. As simple as that. Or is it?

Each one of us is different, with different abilities, skills and personalities. Each of us has gone through different life experiences and our circumstances are different. This can make it difficult for us to emulate exactly what our heroes did to achieve greatness. We mightn’t get the same results.

Even if you have the exact same abilities as your hero, emulate exactly what they did to and achieve similar results, you will always be trailing behind tthem. You may end up waiting for their next step to emulate it. Also, you may not make the same impact as your hero made, as people are already aware of his/her success. What you achieve may no longer be novel and thus leave less of an impact.

Or you may do better than your hero, surpass them and achieve greatness. To follow or not? To follow or to lead? You decide.  

I’ll explore other ways to find direction in life in Part 3 of my post.

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